Tuesday, May 15, 2012

DEM Model

 3-D Model

Left: -118.3375000009852 Decimal Degrees
Right: -117.6038888898247 Decimal Degrees
Top: 34.37416666576234 Decimal Degrees
Bottom: 34.08277777685384 Decimal Degrees

Coordinate System: Geographic Coordinate System North American Datum (NAD) 1983

I chose to create a DEM model of Mt. Wilson and Cloverleaf Canyon because it is one of the most visually striking physical features in Southern California. I thought it would make a good candidate for the digital elevation model. The high peaks of the mountain range and the low valleys of the canyon create a stark contrast in elevation which really showed up nicely in the models. In the 3-d model the high peaks are clearly visible (in white) and the lower canyon is green. Mt. Wilson is a part of the San Gabriel Mountains in the Los Angeles region and a part of the Angeles National Forest. It's highest peak is 5, 712 feet.

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