Monday, April 30, 2012

View Vegetarian Restaurants in East Hollywood in a larger map

Potential, Pitfalls, and Consequences of Neogeography 

Neogeography is the new frontier: mapmaking just got personal. Neogeography has huge potentials, which are clearly evident from the burst of location-based, mobile-app "tagging" and map making from every day people. Common individuals are being exposed to and utilizing tools that were once reserved to highly trained and educated individuals. Now, anyone, even a child, can log into Google, make a map of their choosing and post it for the world to see. One benefit is the informal education of the public on maps and the knowledge that comes along with it. Neogeography also serves as a social service, providing essentially everyone and anyone who has access to the internet with thousands upon thousands of maps of anything you can imagine, from hiking trails, to popular tourist spots to.. Vegetarian Restaurants in East Hollywood! Neogeography is made by individual, everyday people, but it can help and guide thousands of users on the internet. Neogeography is also a very powerful mapping tool on a local scale. People can make maps of their neighborhoods and towns, which can be used to warn people about dangerous areas, areas without lamp posts, etc. 

While this is a great product of Web 2.0, there are also a lot of pitfalls and consequences. Lack of privacy, inaccurate data, and misleading maps are all issues. With GoogleEarth, everything is public. "Gated" and "private" neighborhoods are a thing of the past: anyone can download Google Earth and view someone's neigborhood, street, or even backyard with a few clicks. Another large pitfall is the lack of precision and accuracy. Because people with no professional training in GIS or cartography are using these programs, a lot of information can be false, not fully researched, or even intentionally misleading. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Beverly hills map

1. Beverly Hills Quadrangle
2. Names of adjacent quadrangles: Canoga Park, Van Nuys, Burbank, Topanga, Hollywood, Venice, Inglewood.
3. The quadrangle was first created in 1966.
4. North American Datum from 1927 and 1983 were used.
5. The scale of the map: 1: 24 000
6. At the above scale, answer the following questions:
a. 1200 meters on the ground
b. 1.8939 miles on the ground
c. 2.65 inches on the map
d. 12.5 cm on the map
7. contour interval is 20 feet
8.Approximate geographic coordinates in both degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal degrees
a. PA building: 34º 4' 30'' N 118º 26' 15'' W or 34.075º N 118.438º W
b. tip of santa monica pier: 34º 0' 30'' N 118º 30' 0'' W or 34.008ºN 118.5º W
c. upper franklin canyon reservoir 34º 6' 25'' N 118º 24' 40'' W or 34.107ºN 118.41ºW

9. Approx. elevation in both feet and meters of:
a. greystone mansion: 560 feet or 170.69 meters
b. woodlawn cemetery 140 feet or 42.67 m
c. crestwood hills park 620 feet or 188.98 m
10. UTM zone: Zone 11
11. what are the UTM coordinates for the lower left corner of your map?
3,763,000m northing 362,000m easting
12. how many square meters are contained within each cell (square) of the UTM gridlines? 1000 meters squared
13. Elevation Profile

14. what is the magnetic declination of the map? 14 degrees
15. In which direction does water flow in the intermittent stream between the 405 freeway and Stone Canyon Reservoir?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Interesting Maps

Map of Waterways in California

This is a map of all of the waterways (rivers and lakes) in California. It is always interesting to see the stark contrast between the Northern, Central and Southern portions of the state. As a resident of Southern California, it is important to know where your water comes from and the distances it travels to get to your faucet. Water is very easily overused. After taking a course in water management, I realized just how much water is taken for granted. Everyone should be familiar with the natural and historical hydrology of the state. 70% of the water is in the north and 80% of the demand is in the south. From the map we can see that Los Angeles has almost no waterways, yet we are the largest city and county in the state. Hopefully this will serve as a reminder that we do live in a semi-arid region with very little precipitation and natural surface water sources and will encourage people to conserve and use recycled water.


Map of Armenian Diaspora

This map displays the global Armenian diaspora. According to this map, the United States of America, Argentina, Russia, and France have the highest number of people of Armenian descent outside of Armenia (100,000-3,000,000 individuals).
I find this map interesting because I am of Armenian descent and it always amazes me to see the wide distribution of my people. We come from a tiny country; in fact, many more Armenian people live outside of Armenia than in it. The widespread immigration of Armenian people was mainly due to the Armenian Genocide. People fleed from the home country and created communities all over the world.


Farmer's Market in Los Angeles


This is a map of all of the farmer's markets in the Los Angeles area. If you visit the site, the map is interactive and as you move your mouse over the locations it tells you the name of it. From the map we can see that many farmer's markets are clustered in the Hollywood/West Hollywood area, compared to the more sparsely located markets through out the Los Angeles region. I found this interesting because I love getting my food from farmer's markets and supporting local farmers. It's also fun to explore different ones because the fresh produce, ready made food, and activities differ depending on the location. I especially enjoy going to the Hollywood farmer's market on Ivar every Sunday.